SDOD Episode 53 – How To Find a Brilliant Breeder and Get the Perfect Puppy

Episode 53 – In todays episode Dom invites back Joe Kelly to the show. We were lucky enough to speak to Joe whilst he was raising his latest little of Portuguese Water Spaniels. Joe tells us about; Why spending more for a puppy can save you money in the long run, the four step puppy adoption process he has, why puppy breeders get such a bad rap, why he choosers the owner and they don’t choose the puppy , the danger signs you need to look for when you go looking for a puppy, and much more… Don’t forget to subscribe and share the podcast with your puppy owning pals.

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Full Transcript

Dom:     Hello, me bonny bairns, and welcome to episode 53 of the Superhero Dog Owners Show. This is the show that will help you have more fun and less stress with your pet dog. I’m joined, as ever, can’t get rid of the guy, by my very good friend, Alex the video guy.

Alex:      Hello, I’m just always here, the camera in your face.

Dom:     He’s always here.

Alex:      Not many people like me, I don’t know why.

Dom:     Yeah, he just follows me around all day with a camera. We don’t even record stuff half the time.

Alex:      That’s what you think.

Dom:     In the bathroom. Yeah. So, what you been up to, Alex? Anything? Nothing?

Alex:      Well, interestingly, seeing as … Tripping a head a bit, we are chatting to our friend Joe Kelly on the show this week. Me and Joe actually had a Skype call. He had a video marketing consultation a few weeks ago, as well.

Which was really, really good because Joe’s doing a lot of different things over there in New Jersey with his dog training business and he’s very much … And the market as we know he’s … You’ve talked to him a lot about market-

Dom:     The Inner circle.

Alex:      Yeah, yeah. He’s doing also. So we were kinda talking about how he can make the most out of video, really using the equipment he’s got at the moment and what he could maybe invest in, in the future. Just how to make the whole thing as easy as possible and not take up loads of time for him or have to learn any big, new skills. To just make some really high quality video and that’s gonna help market his business.

Dom:     Yeah, because if you’re a dog trainer, to a lesser degree for grooming, and walking, and stuff. But if you’re a dog trainer you definitely should be thinking about how you can leverage all that information that you’ve got in your head that you’ve spend thousands of pounds and years and years putting together and putting into practise with your clients. You should be thinking about how you can leverage that and deliver it in many different ways, shouldn’t they?

Alex:      Yeah, definitely.

Dom:     So, you could have an email course, you could have a video course, you could have a correspondence course, you could write newsletters like I do. All these different ways are ways that you can teach people, transfer that knowledge from you to them without you actually being the person that’s in the room doing it with them all the time.

Alex:      Exactly, yeah. We had a chat about this recently, didn’t we?

Dom:     We did, yeah because we have a project coming up doing it as well.

Alex:      Yeah, yeah.

Dom:     We’re gonna be putting … Well, we are now it’s almost together isn’t it? We’re putting together a course to help dog trainers to do exactly what we just said. To have some kind of course, a signature system that’s unique to them that’ll help you to position yourself as an expert and to just basically make more money, and teach more people, and help more people doing the job that they love.

Alex:      Yeah, exactly. Which everyone should want to do, really?

Dom:     Yeah. So speaking about your videos, Alex. Where can people go to sign up for your help, instant tips?

Alex:      They could sign up for my emails.

Dom:     Because … No, you can’t just jump on the phone with Alex, same as you can with me.

Alex:      No, no. I’m far too busy for that. Now that’s not being rude it’s just the damn truth.

So people can go to and you can download a free cheat sheet. Which is more than just a cheat sheet, really, it’s like a mini guide. It’s like five different parts to it and it’s meant to be quite interactive and get you thinking and writing stuff down about your own business so that you’ve always got that to hand and you can use it as a bit of a cheat sheet, really.

You can also get a physical copy as well, if you want. So once you signed up just drop me an email and I’ll send you a physical copy of that for free. Which is very nicely bound and nice, much nicer than the PDF download. And so that’s the best place for people to go, really. All kinds of useful info, not just video on the kinds of things we talk about on marketing and different things that I’ve learned. So, yeah, definitely go there.

Dom:     Brilliant, brilliant. So if you’re a pet business owner and you wanna learn how to use video more in your business. I can’t speak highly enough of Alex. Not just because he’s here, but because we’ve been working together for how long now? Two, three years?

Alex:      Over three, I think. And we’ve unmasked countless gigabytes and house and hours of footage that we still go back to and reuse all the time. Don’t we? Keep putting it together in different ways.

Dom:     Definitely, yeah. So it’s just like a one time investment with video. Same as everything really. It depends how you do it, depends who’s working for you, depends who’s putting it together for you so.

Alex:      That’s right, yeah.

Dom:     So yeah, sign up for Alex’s emails if you’re a pet business owner. You wanna learn more about how to use video in your business.


But, let’s move on to the guest now. Because we can’t keep Joe waiting any longer.


Alex:      No.

Dom:     Even though we recorded the interview some months ago. This is Joe Kelly and me talking about dog training. Alex, would you kindly push the button.

Alex:      I thought you’d never ask.

Dom:     So, I’m joined today by my very good friend. This is Joe Kelly. Joe has been a guest on the show before. We had a really interesting chat with him a little while back and I could not resist this opportunity to talk to Joe because as you can see. He’s a got a room full of puppies.

Hey Joe, welcome to the show again.

Joe:        Hi, how are you doing, Dom?

Dom:     I’m very good, my friend. I’m very good. You’re looking gorgeous there, well the puppy is.

So, I thought it would be a great opportunity to … We’ve talked about puppies quite a bit on this show and people are always getting new puppies all different times of the year, but we’ve never really done anything with people who breed the puppies as well and so I thought it would be great to get a little bit of info from you about the type of thing that you do with the puppies? Why you breed at all and the type of thing you look out for in owners and the advice you could give? What people should be looking out for basically when they’re gonna choose a puppy. So, if you could just answer all those questions that would be great.

Joe:        Yeah, so I think a lot of people want to rescue dogs and stuff like that and that’s very honourable and but there’s a lot of … Breeders get a bad rap from puppy farms and puppy mills and stuff like that but there is an awful lot of responsible breeders out there that are trying to better their breeds, and improve their breeds and improve the dog itself. So they spend an awful lot of time and effort to do it and it’s a long process and if you do it correctly you spend a lot … Most of your days basically cleaning up after the puppy and doing a lot of stimulation with them and that.

So this morning, I got up bright and early and cleaned up the puppies and cleaned up the puppy pen and that. So, it’s a lot of effort to do it and I think what the big problem is that a lot of people are not educated on what to do and when you’re going to get a puppy and you want the questions to ask the breed and that.

Dom:     So, before we get into that, Joe. Before we get into that. What puppies are they, by the way? What are you breeding?

Joe:        They’re Portuguese Water Dogs.

Dom:     Cool, and why have you chose Portuguese Water Dogs? Cause they’re quite an unusual breed, aren’t they, I suppose?

Joe:        They’re a great breed, they’re super intelligent, they’re very personable, and very tactile, they’ll like being with you all the time. They pick up stuff very quickly and they’re very adaptable to anything.

So they’re a fun breed to have and they’re not for everybody, they’re high energy. They need a lot of brain stimulation and because they’re so smart, so you have to be kind of an active family and stuff. We spend more time when we do interviews with people, putting them off the breed rather than just like … We’re not necessarily like, “Here’s a puppy, give us money and see you later.” It’s a long process, so with us it’s a four step process.

First step is they fill out a puppy questionnaire application. The second then, if they that looks good, they fill out that and we then if we think they’re good for an interview they come for an in-person meet and greet interview, and then we see how they do with that. If they did do well on that we think they’ll make a good home, we send them a puppy contract. Where it has all sort of information like not spaying before 18 months, when they’re fully mature because there’s been a lot of research done recently that spaying early can actually produce a lot of different cancers and different issues so we always wait until this breed is fully mature at 18 months.

Then once they fill out the contract, they send back a deposit. Then what we do, we do puppy personality tests and then we match the puppy to the owners. The owners can’t choose their puppy because a lot of the time the owners with Portuguese Water Dogs will choose the ones with the most white. They all want that because of looks but that’s always suitable for their family. Could be they’re too high energy or not adaptable enough, ’cause some households are very busy so some of the puppies would not do well in a busy environment when there’s kids running around and stuff like that.

Dom:     That’s awesome, that’s quite unusual that, I think. I meant that you choose the owner. I like that a lot, I really like that.

So Joe, why should, obviously the puppy’s just so cute. I want one myself now but I’m resisting, we’re resisting getting a puppy in general or another dog in general. But why should people make the effort to take the time and to find a breeder like yourself and one of the other brilliant breeders out there.

Joe:        Because a lot of the good breeders will do a lot of genetic health tests to make sure that their dogs are healthy for the breed and healthy generally, and that.

So, the sad thing that people and … And it’s just I think it’s a lack of education or knowledges. They look in the local newspaper for a breed that they want and then they’ll call the breeder and the breeder says, “Yes we have puppies available. Come get it today. It’s 500 dollars or 500 sterling,”

They’ll go get and then they realise later on the puppy’s got tonnes of health issues and problems, whereas, if they had of went and spend maybe 3000 on a puppy and then they’ve got all these … Then the puppy is healthy and they’ve got no issues, whereas, they spent the 500 and then they end up spending 10,000 on vet bills and stuff and the puppy doesn’t last as long. Instead of getting to 12 to 14 years it only gets to 8 years or even less.

And that’s the sad thing for a lot of puppy people is that, they just don’t understand the aspect of it and they end up spending more money than they wanted to and they get a lot of heartache and problems. Whereas, a lot of good breeders try to do as many health tests as they can to make sure that they’re dogs are healthy and they’re producing the best puppies possible for people. The breeders are a lot of times trying to make the best canine companions and pets that people can have.

Dom:     Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That’s brilliant advice. Yeah, you really should … It’s just horror stories all the time isn’t it? It’s so easily avoided. That’s fantastic, Joe.

So what are the things that you’re looking for then when you’re looking to match a puppy with someone? Sort of past experience with dogs or just general circumstances now.

Joe:        Yeah, we get a lot of [inaudible 00:10:54] Portuguese Water Dog people which is always good. They have had a Portuguese Water Dog before so they know what they’re like but even with that sometimes the people we find, they’ve been lucky with the one that they’ve got that’s been a bit more even tempered and relaxed or we just we make sure our puppies are gonna be suitable for them, and so what we do also is in the interview we introduce them to all our dogs. So I’ve got eight dogs myself so, we introduce them one at a time, and we kinda look at the people and we bring them in and see how our dogs interact with them and how they interact with our dogs.

Like if they’re hands up and they’re all fearful it’s kind of a no-go ’cause Portuguese Water Dogs find it very difficult to keep four feet on the floor. So, yeah our guys love people, they get so excited to see people so they’re all excited and jumping around and grabbing toys and one [crosstalk 00:11:50]

Dom:     It’s a good test. It’s a good test to see if they like dogs rather … ‘Cause everybody loves puppies, don’t they?

Joe:        Yeah, exactly like you bring a puppy out and it’s cute and they’re like, “Aww, it’s so cute.” but then they don’t realise they get to like 40 to 60 pounds and then they’re like, “Hmm.” Jumping around all over them and energy and bringing toys and pushing it in them like, “Play with me, play with me.” That kinda thing, so.

Dom:     So what should … I’m loving this Joe, I love that four step process I think it’s excellent. I think … What should all … I mean I know a lot of breeders will do the same thing, don’t get me wrong. I know, a lot of breeders will be very careful about which dogs they let out but I always to people looking for a puppy that the breeder should be asking you as many questions as what you’re asking the breeder. If they’re not then it’s like alarm bells should be ringing, shouldn’t they really? Because like you say, possibly they’ll be more interested in, or they could be just unscrupulous for starters, but they could be just more interested in getting rid of the puppies, you know?

So what kind of things do you ask people, then?

Joe:        Well, we ask them how many hours are they away from the puppy? Do they go on long trips? Where are they gonna exercise the dog? Do they have a fence in yard?

We will not sell a puppy it’s in our contract that has an invisible fence just because we’ve seen in both our fields. My partner, she’s a vet and she’s seen so many damages done to dogs from that and the other thing is people forget that well the dog can’t get out of the invisible fence. Other animals can get in and while we’re in this area, there’s coyotes and bears and there’s cougars and stuff like that in this area. So we don’t want the dogs getting damaged in that way because people just leave them out.

Dom:     What do you mean by an invisible fence?

Joe:        Huh?

Dom:     What do you mean by an invisible fence?

Joe:        It’s like an electric fence that they have around. We just don’t recommend it, we don’t look at ourselves. That’s just our personal preference and [crosstalk 00:13:48]. Yeah. When people come they should, the two breeders. The breeders first should be like ask them a million questions on the phone, they should feel more like an interrogation than anything else. But they should also be receptive to questions too.

So, they shouldn’t be the only person that can ask questions. They should be able to have clients ask as much questions as they want we always believe there’s no stupid questions you can ask us anything you want. Sometimes people forget the questions when they’re here and they can email us or call us back and talk to us about it, and they can ask us as many questions that they want and everything like that.

The other thing that people should do is always make sure to go to home a lot of … I’ve known a lot of clients before that have got caught where the breeder [inaudible 00:14:40] many puppy farms will convince people to meet them half somewhere and goes, “Oh, it’s better for the puppy.” Then they’ll bring two puppies and then they’ll convince the person, “Oh, it’s a lost puppy,” and they’ll say, “Oh, so I’ll take for your half price and that and they get two puppies.”

A good breeder will never sell anybody two puppies. They’ll never even sell you a puppy if you already have a puppy that’s within four months of it because there’s a lot of … They end up bonding to each other and not bonding to the person.

Dom:     Dead right. Yeah, no, definitely, definitely. Really good reminder for that. What should people be looking for … So we covered the questions that you should be asking lots of questions as a puppy owner. Hopefully you are anywhere, even if you’re an … I consider myself reasonably clued up with dogs but I would be asking a million questions if I want to see a breed. In fact, certainly if I didn’t know the breed very well.

The breeder should be asking you questions as well. What should they be looking for? What should be going on in the house? Tell us a little bit about what’s going on like behind you at the moment with the puppies and what you’re providing for them.

Joe:        Well they should have a whelping box which is basically a box that has sides that keeps the puppy warm and they should generally have some sort of heat source as well to keep them warm ’cause the mother does the best she can to keep them warm but … We have a heat lamp in the corner over here that keeps the puppies warm so they can go under if they get cold because getting cold you can … The puppies can die from just basically getting too cool cause they can’t regulate their body heat, the first generally four weeks of their life. It should be as clean as possible puppies … I cleaned this, this morning and it already looks really dirty then you just go around cleaning as much as you can.

There should be if, generally, people come around four or five weeks to see puppies. There should be lots of toy in there for them to play with. There should be some sort of toilet source that they could go on. So they should be practising  toilet training already with them.

There should be … The way we do it is … So we have 11 puppies right now and its been 15 to 20 bowls out for them to feed on because there’s been research done that feeding out of one bowl actually causes a lot of resource guarding, food possessiveness, and stuff like that. So they can be bad with their food and they can gobble down food, too. So they can have lots of problems with that.

So with this way, a puppy can be pushed off of a bowl and there’s four or five other bowls that it can  go to so there’s no issue, so they don’t have any stress about it. Because puppies are very susceptible to any stresses and early like this … And there’s goods and bad stresses for them and one of the bad stresses is, they get stressed about eating and then that’s what. So they should have that and then the mom should be able to go in and out when she pleases, generally, to do help them out and feed them and stuff like that and cleaning them up. So that kind of stuff is really what they should be looking for.

Dom:     Cool, cool, cool. Excellent. Fantastic advice, Joe. I’m loving this.

Joe:        Yeah, so I can jump on. One of the things that we do is we adapted several different programmes that are out there for breeders to do and one of them is the Puppy Culture which is a great programme to do lots of stuff with puppies.

So we use a lot of that stuff as well as the Super Dog programme which is a programme that was designed to and [inaudible 00:18:05] used it a lot on service dogs to basically do mild levels of stress really early to open the brain capacity to deal with stress earlier, and basically hold them in different positions and stuff. So I’ll grab a puppy and then show you some of the stuff that we do.

Dom:     Cool.

Joe:        So a lot of the times it’s just handling them in different positions. So, one is actually just holding him in this position for three to four seconds and then getting him used to that. And then hold him up and just getting him used to it. So, you can see she’s just stretching herself out.

What you also do is hold them with their head down and see she doesn’t care, she’s not squealing or winching we’ve done this from day two and got them used to it. So that’s some of the stuff then, we also get a wet claw and have them going on it so they get used to temperatures and stuff like that and they’re very, they get very adapted very quickly to it.

Dom:     Yeah, cool. So what benefits does that have then Joe? Is it just handling benefits or is it general is there more things than that?

Joe:        Yeah, they get basically what happens is, it actually opens up part of their brain to deal with stress so they deal with stress better so they’re more adaptable.

Dom:     Hope they can have a more balanced dog, yeah?

Joe:        Yeah, they deal with stress much better later on in life because they’re able to deal with early and they’re … Well there’s been a lot of research done that a lot of socialisation, a lot of early stuff you do with dogs can open up their brain more and opens up different parts of their brain, which then gives them more adaptability and more balance in their general life, so to become a better dog later on for it.

So it helps them a lot to deal with different things and we have, from our all our other puppies, the groomers, and the vets, and people that have run pet resorts and stuff like that have been thankful because the dogs are super easy to handle. The vets can put them in any position. The groomer can groom them, no problem, and they have no issue.

These guys are only four weeks and they’ve already had two baths and they got blow dried so they got used to that already. They’ll get little trims now, next, and then from five weeks on they’ll get little … They’ll get groomed, they get put into little lion trims, which is just a show trim and a working trim for the Portuguese Water Dog … Was just get them used to having the clippers on them and that kind of stuff, so.

Dom:     And this all the benefits that you’re gonna get, isn’t it, from going to someone and doing the research? Going to a breeder that’s truly reputable and not just a breeder I would say … It’s not enough to like just love the dogs is it, I suppose? You can be … It’s such a responsibility, breeding, that you really do need to have some, well a fairly good knowledge, of the things that you’ve just been talking about. You know what I mean, don’t you?

Joe:        Yeah.

Dom:     As nice as it is … Must be to breed puppies, it’s not enough, I don’t think, just to love them. Do you know what I mean?

Joe:        No, we’re very careful in that we do everything kinda at the right age of development and stuff like that. We’ve already had the vacuum cleaner in here going. We put on a sound CD which has all sorts of different noises, that they get used to it so it doesn’t become a shock to them.

We throw metal bowls on the ground so they get a startle reflex and they’re quicker to bounce back this time so it doesn’t become it … So you’re trying to make as much as the puppy as bomb proof as you possibly can. So we do all that and then we have them kind of problem solve and stuff, so we leave like a little barrier in the whelping box for them to kind of.. They have to climb over and figure out or we’ll put a little gate up that and put the bowl there that they have to go around and figure it out. So little problem solving stuff to [crosstalk 00:21:59]

Dom:     So what happens? Are these puppies all taken now Joe, or not?

Joe:        Yeah, we already have a whole waiting list now of people, too. So you do get a lot of people that are interested in them. If you do it correctly and then word of mouth spreads really quickly and [inaudible 00:22:18] so.

Dom:     Like anything I suppose, yeah, Brilliant. So, what kind of advice would you give … If there was a couple of things that you could say to someone who’s just getting a puppy.

Maybe it’s the breeder that they’ve just got it from isn’t as knowledgeable and as brilliant as you guys are. What kind of things should they be doing for that initial bring the puppy home to make it as stress-free as possible for everybody.

Joe:        Yeah. The first they wanna do and this is the first thing we recommend people do, is to take it out to the area that they want the dog to do to the toilet. Make a big fuss of them when they go out there so they get used to it, the yelling, “Okay this is where I go outside.” Not bring them straight into the house and then the dog goes in there and then a lot of people will try to give that to the dog, or whatever, and blame the puppy, when it’s actually … They should be blaming themselves. So that’s one of the things they definitely recommend.

I recommend that they let the puppy explore the place on their own. Where they don’t try to force anything on them. If they other dogs or other animals just keep them away for their first two days or so, so the puppy gets used to the home, gets used to them first, and doesn’t get pushed into more stressful situation where there’s another dog, and that.

That they continue whatever socialisation that the breeder’s done, which can be … My wife and I, what happens is … She’s sees it a lot, is there’s a misconception for the … Miscommunication between vets and puppies and breeders and puppy owners, that they should taking out all places not putting the puppy on the ground. It shouldn’t meet other dogs but it should be out in the environment that it’s gonna be living it. Again, it gets used to all the sounds, and noises out there, and shops, and places to go to. And find places like shops that they can take the puppy too. A lot of banks will accept the puppy to go into and that you’re holding the puppy up. People wanna see puppies when they’re young like that.

So it’s getting them out and socialising that way and getting them used to different things that they can get used to. Then it’s making sure that they go in their crate at night, if you’re gonna do crate training. A lot of breeders then … The one thing we’re gonna be doing in the next week or so, is we’re gonna taking their whelping box out now and we’ll put crates in for them. They’ll get fed in their crates so they get used to crates so it’s easier for them to go home and get used to that.

And the puppy will cry a little bit because it’s away from its litter mates and its mother so it’s gonna be a little bit stress going home for the first time in that way. So it’s the first thing owners really need to do with that is they just need to let the puppy cry and make sure that first their taken out to go to the toilet but let it cry because if they go it, the puppy learns if it keeps on crying, and crying, and crying that the owner is just gonna get them. So it’s really more difficult to crate train them in that way.

So it’s tough the first couple nights ’cause you hear your puppy crying and you wanna go help it but if you tough it out, then they get used to it and the crate becomes a happy place for them to sleep and a lot of my dogs will just go to their crates to get away from … They always want a quiet time to go there themselves.

Dom:     Brilliant advice, Joe. That’s fantastic. And what about … Does the relationship kind of finish once you hand the puppies, or what? What happens?

Joe:        No, we actually encourage people to keep in contact. We actually offer four free weeks of puppy class that we do generally do a week after the puppies go home. So they can ask any questions and we can help them along the first four weeks which is always the most difficult for puppy owners. And then can come back and they can ask us anytime, they can call us anytime for medical advice or training advice at all. They can call us anytime. We try to keep in contact with them.

We actually have a Facebook group just for our puppy owners that people can kind of stay in contact, and send us pictures, and ask questions. and it’s great because other puppy owners will help. They’ll say what they’ve done and then we can jump in and help people out, whatever, too. We try to keep as much in contact with them as we can.

Dom:     You’ve got a little community of Portuguese Water Dog puppy owners. That’s fantastic. That’s brilliant.

Hey Joe, I wanna thank you very, very much for your time again. It’s been wonderful seeing the puppies. If I could reach through and grab one now, I probably would.

But Joe, tell us a little a bit about what can people … Where can people find out more about you and what you do and stuff.

Joe:        Yeah, we’ve got the Eclipse Portuguese Water Dog website. They can have a look at there. We’ve got a puppy blog that we write, we update with pictures and stuff of the puppies of how their progressing week by week and what they’re doing.

So we have that, then we have the Facebook page, which is my training page, it’s just Train For Fun Canine Academy, they can get me there. They can private message me any questions on training our puppies or anything like that there, if they need to.

Dom:     Super cool, super cool. And me and you are always talking so I’ll speak to you very soon, no doubt and we’ll definitely have you on the show again next time. We’ll have to get your good wife down too.

Joe:        Yeah

Dom:     Brilliant. Hey, Joe, thanks very much for your time again.

Joe:        Your welcome. Have a good one.

Dom:     Take care, buddy.

So, Alex the video guy?

Alex:      Yes, Dom.

Dom:     How awesome was that?

Alex:      That was really cool. I mean puppies … Who doesn’t like puppies, for a start.

Dom:     Indeed. Indeed. We should have a puppy in every episode.

Alex:      Ideally, can we?

Dom:     Viewership would go through the roof, wouldn’t it?

Alex:      I think it would, yeah.

Dom:     But yeah, so it was nice to talk to Joe. We’ve had a few of our special friends have been back for a second episode, so we thought we’d get Joe back for that.

Joe recorded a master class for us as well, didn’t he? For the Super Hero Dog Owner’s inner circle. So that’s in there and it’s nice talking to someone like him, and Sheryn, and Dave who’ve sort of been influenced … Have influenced me as well, all of them, but also, they’ve been influenced by similar people to myself like John Rogers and stuff and a lot of the lessons that John taught me I implemented in my own business.

Distilled it down tried, to make it a bit more easier to learn, and that’s ultimately what ended up going into How to Be a Dog Superhero. Which you could get on Amazon or Audible or you can go to and you can get a signed copy from me and I’ll also send you a free gift as well.

Alex:      [inaudible 00:28:25]

Dom:     Well, you know. I can’t do my best. Can’t see you giving things away and then me … You made me look like a right Scrooge.

Alex:      True.

Dom:     So, thanks for watching everybody. I don’t know who’s gonna be on the show next week, Alex. It might be a special guest, it might just be me and you sitting, having a bit of banter.

Alex:      Cool. We’ll see what happens.

Dom:     Either way it’ll be well worth tuning in for. There you are. That’s a sales pitch for you. So thanks for watching everyone. Thanks to Joe and thanks to Alex.

Alex:      No worries.

Dom:     And we’ll see you all next time and if we don’t see you through the week, then we’ll see you through the window.

Meet the Author

Dom Hodgson